Did you know that 85% of consumers prefer to receive a text message rather than a phone call or email?
Landline texting is the fastest and most efficient way to not only serve your consumer’s needs, but also generate more promising leads from potential clients who are interested in learning more about your business. While still keeping your existing phone number, landline texting allows your business to send and receive text messages using a web browser. Without this alternative communication feature, your business may be missing out on potential opportunities with your target audience and allowing consumers to get their issues solved in a timely manner.
You may be wondering, what can landline messaging do for my business?
A landline text messaging service allows customers to send text requests for immediate information like your location hours by texting “Hours” to your specific number. By typing in certain keywords, your customers will receive an automated answer tailored to their question and your business specifically. This serves as an immediate response to your customers, which is what they want, while providing you with the ability to focus on other business objectives. Furthermore, landline messaging services can also allow you to customize and track the use of specific keywords that are important to your business in your campaign.
A landline text messaging service provides the ability to communicate more effectively with team members and also organize your contacts. On the employee side of your business, you are able to create a list of employee phone numbers to easily leverage the distribution of internal communications. The distribution lists are unique to each text enabled number allowing your managers to easily communicate with their team. Then on the customer side of your landline texting, you can organize contacts through customer segments based on demographic, opt-in method, or purchase history to send them information that will be most valuable to them.
Since text messages are sent and received from your users’ email, every text message technically is an email and are all searchable and being archived by your company’s email retention policy. A landline text messaging service provides the ability to track and review all external communications, ensuring they comply with company standards. Should there be attrition with employees, have peace of mind knowing that these conversations with customers are being archived to refer to at any time.
In order to gauge the effectiveness of your SMS marketing campaign and whether you have reached your intended goals, you will need a mass texting service that provides in-depth analytics. Your business is able to determine who is using, how it’s being used, and the frequency of usage, through the landline messaging service.Furthermore, you can identify your key performance indicators and use your service to measure how your texts are performing. If you aren’t receiving the response you were hoping for, you can change your tactics, and effective analytics will help you make those crucial decisions.
If you plan to use a mass texting service as part of an SMS marketing campaign, you will want to plan out your campaign ahead of time by scheduling texts to be sent out at a later date and in a specific order. Just like your other marketing channels, it is crucial to have a prepared plan, and scheduled texts will help you more effectively put your plan into place. Furthermore, similar to automated messages, you can schedule your landline texts to customers and allow them to be automatically sent at the day and time you set to go out.
In order to build your SMS marketing list, you will need to get customers’ permission to send business communications via text. Therefore, in order to gain subscribers, you will need to give them a way to opt-in. Ideally, you can utilize different methods to allow customers to opt-in such as texting a keyword or signing up through your website. With multiple opt-in methods, you can grow your list faster by extending your reach to more customers who might be interested in receiving text communications from your business.
Business texting allows your loyal and potential consumers to interact with your business in their most preferred method of communication. With the features mentioned, consumers can engage with your business and grow interested in your products or services at their convenience. This marketing strategy is truly one of the simplest ways to communicate with customers, generate leads, and build customer loyalty.
Businesses around the globe are taking advantage of the influence and resourcefulness that landline texting provides to streamline communication and increase their revenue. Get your business involved in business texting today before you miss out on endless opportunities.
To discover more about how the features and benefits of landline texting can give you an edge in your own business, visit our landline texting services landing page here